Sunday, 20 May 2012

Book - Current read

I am currently reading and studying this book called the Compendium of Knowledge and Wisdom it is  translated by Abdassamd Clarke of the masterwork of Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali, the Jami' al-'ulum wal-hikam, the book is a commentary on fifty hadith including the Forty of Imaam an-Nawawi.

Each and every hadith is one of those considered by the 'ulama essential for knowledge of the deen. The topics range from the most exacting treatments of the affairs of the shari'ah to luminous expositions of the spiritual sciences of Islam. One thing I would say is that the book is super thick and not one you can carry around with you, it is a shame they did not split it in to two volumes. The transaltion is very easy to read and follow and the depth it goes in to is just enough to understand the topic. InshAllah I pray that Allah swt gives me the ability to better understand my deen and to apply the knowledge I learn in to my life, to gain closeness to Allah swt.


  1. MashAllah & Aameen to your prayer. From the sounds of it, its a heavy book. How come your not following ireminisces, I have a stroy about Jannah for you, come read and share some wise words with everone if you dont mind, jazakAllah

    1. JazakAllah for your comment, I shall come and have a read.
