Thursday, 12 January 2012

Bag love

Unlike previous years when I have spent a fair bit in the sales this year I have not liked anything that I wanted to buy - ok that’s not strictly true, I have treated myself to a couple of perfumes and maybe two skirts but thats it, because everything else that I have liked has been full price. Therefore I have only allowed myself a few treats, the two I have bought so far are bags (typical me – do without the other important stuff as long as I have a nice handbag, I am good to go).
I have never been one to pick a small handbag, and only time I have gone a little smaller is for a a cross the body bag or maybe for a evening clutch, I still try to apply the bigger the better rule. So when i spotted these gorgeous large tote bags this season it defnitley made my heart happy hehe.
1st bag is from Warehouse £38
2nd is from Zara £79.99


  1. absoluteley in love with the second bag. its stunning. xxx
