I have worked nonstop for last two months doing long hours some of it was appealing to earn more money and some of it was to keep busy so I don’t feel so depressed and I have hated every moment of it, don’t get me wrong I am greatful that I have a job and regular income when so many don’t have that and struggle to support families.
It is just that it used to be a job I could do with my eyes closed, a job that I could hit targets in and achieve highest output of casework with 100% accuracy on all audit checks, the same job has now become a chore- that I struggle to concentrate on that I struggle to get up for in the morning, that I have next to no interest in. I end up doing the bare minimum and spend the rest of the day trying to pass time, I hate the fact that I feel like this and I hate the fact that I am wasting time. I detest the constant goal changing by management and office politics, sniping remarks not all directed to me but from an stressed and inefficient managers at all al levels.
Oh how I remember those days that I loved working here, then thinking that this was just a passing role, one which when I have finished my degree I shall move on to greater things, bigger and better things (that was a long 3 years ago) Allah swt had other ideas for me, initially through my own laziness which has now turned in to lack of opportunities due to the current climate.
What is one to do but look for to the end of year break and hope that the opportunities come with the guidance of Allah swt and hope that the coming year gives me some peace in my heart and mind. We all must at some time or another have days, weeks or in my case months when we feel that we are stuck in a rut.
Ya Allah swt please help me and all others in this situation and avert all our difficulties and fill our lives with ease. Ameen .
P.S As I was writing this post and getting distracted i was on a blog about Islam, I cant remember which one but as usual I was feeling sorry for myself, then I read this paragraph and it made me feel so much better that Allah is always listening to you and giving you subtle guidance even if you think its hardship its a blessing a lesson. I shall share the words with you and you cant help but feel the impact of them -
“People are always ungrateful, and we are ungrateful because we don’t have sabr. Sabr and Shukr go together. When you’re not patient you start complaining. And the fact that you’re complaining is a sign that you’re not grateful.”
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